Wednesday, December 26, 2007

When in Doubt, get the music

Published: Jun. 6, 2007 at 5:38 AM
Over the past couple months the darndest thing has been happening. I learned all but the last measure and a half of a song learned first by TAB by ear, and had a mental block. So, I do the math during a break, and actually had it extremely close a couple times.

Then when I came back to it after break (3 wks+), whalah--zone two once again. So I start doing the math again. And then, then I find the music in standard note v. TAB. Feeling that I exercised my brain enough on the virtual transcription, I now hold in my hands the lute standard music.

This matters because this song is really cool with me, and has bunches of potential. When in Doubt, get the music.


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