Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Published: Aug. 30, 2007 at 6:35 PM
I found a hundred memories today, that nearly overwhelmed me. I thought they were all lost in a fire. I found my awards from Grade school, Jr. High and High School.

I found my award for making it to the regional science fair, and my ID tag from where I picked tobacco a summer during a summer work program. There also in that little packet, I found the article about our High School Graduation, that had a photo of my dear friend who died a few years ago grinning back at me. I miss her so very badly.

I found songs I'd written, and realized I was an environmentalist before the liberalizing influences of college; and, that our beautiful ancient mountains meant the world to me even in my early childhood. I found a poem that impressed a teacher so profoundly, that she hung it enlarged on posters during our spectacular autumns for years.

I found a beautiful letter one of my eighth grade teachers wrote me, telling me she loved me too! But that I needed to quit being so lazy--actually three times at least in the letter. I aggravated her unmercifully on a daily basis, and wish I could see her now.

I found a memorial from a lost friend in eighth grade. And I found a 1943 interpretation by Hawaii's media I had squirreled away, of Hawaii's official response to Pearl Harbor. I can't wait to read this, being a good revisionist revisionist reviser.

And after I stopped wiping my eyes, I realized just what I'm going to give my friend's son when he graduates High School in a couple more years.

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