Wednesday, December 26, 2007

That's What I Get!

Published: Jun. 23, 2007 at 4:14 AM
Now that my A-string has officially unwound, with at least a week of waiting ahead, I hope to not let this happen again. How could I do this! My left wrist secretly laughs, but it's earned the privilege of doing so. So here I am running over to Johnson Strings online grabbing strings; and, literally screaming because I didn't think ahead.

I played around the pings in 3rd position for posterity's sake, but that didn't last too long. I played songs on G/D using shifts--which was pretty fun, but didn't last long either. Then, I played with sounding point exercises for a few minutes. This sucks!.

Today as it turns out, my dad and I just finished installing an outdoor stainless sink for our cannery, so I'll at least have alot to keep me busy. While I could get into the Hrimaly I've been avoiding since I took a break a couple months ago, I also need to integrate what Kimberlee, Buri and others have shared about sounding points and shifting. Should be interesting.

I shall nevah, nevah, nevah be without extra strings again--nevah!

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